How Posture and Movement Therapy Works


How Posture and Movement Therapy Works

What follows is a more detailed understanding of how our Posture and Movment Therapy approach to Chronic pain and movement problems differs from strictly symptomatic treatments. When chronic pain and movement limitations persist, it is often because the deeper root causes of these issues haven't yet been identified and resolved.

Our approach is focused on viewing the body as an integrated unit when assessing and finding solutions for challenging chronic pain, movement limitations, and balance problems.

Often, symptoms such as chronic pain, movement imbalances, and limitations are an effect of postural misalignments caused by muscular imbalances and dysfunctional movement patterns elsewhere in the body. Restoring optimal alignment and healthier movement throughout the body targeting these particular dysfunctions can be the missing piece in your journey toward a more pain-free and active lifestyle, enhanced overall athletic and artistic performance and overall comfort and well-being.

For this reason, our work identifying unaware movement, postural misalignment, and musculoskeletal imbalances and providing a simple and comprehensive way to resolve the mystery of challenging pain and movement problems and these issues and and offering more lasting solutions.

You can also click here for a pdf of my brochure with more information about me and the program.


Looking at our individual Posture and how it deviates from this model offers information and perspective on how your alignment and movement problems impact your life so you can correct them.

Except for congenital disabilities or traumatic injuries, the optimal musculoskeletal design of a functional body, according to the orthopedic model, is simple.

  • The head is centered over level shoulders
  • The shoulders sit directly over level hips
  • The hips are firmly planted over symmetrical knees
  • The knees and ankles are aligned with feet pointed straight forward

—From: "The Egoscue Method of Health Through Motion by Pete Egoscue"( We call this the “90-degree rule of function”.

The Problem:

If these weight-bearing joints deviate from a 90-degree angle, the body compensates to maintain balance to hold itself up and move. Some parts aren’t working properly (they’re dysfunctional) and these are considered the cause of the problem. We view the symptom as the effect of Posture and movement limitation causing undei effort, unecssary muscular and facial tension and stress in the body.. They develop as other part of the body take over, or compensate, to try to help out to make up for movment limitations. Over time, the inefficiency of this new pattern of posture and movement creates problems or symptoms that become chronic and can seem intractable.

Postural mis-alignment and the movement that results are specific to each person. Injuries, emotional trauma, work and lifestyle, development, and a host of other factors in our life history can contribute to both our strengths and vulnerabilities. Every day, I am privileged to witness people rediscover how their posture and movement reflects their past, and how working to change it in positive ways can transform the future.

Our Postural Solution:

This potetial of transformation toward healthier movment and a apin free lifestyle begins in therapy with a comprehensive postural analysis and additional movement testing. The client and I can determine directly how any imbalances discovered may be at the root of their problems. We try to stay away from just blaming one thing or another—the right hip is too tight, the abdominal muscles are weak, etc. Though these things may be true and likely have importance, chasing things down in the way ignores one important thing. Why? Why is that hip tight, why are the abdominals weak, etc.? To address both cause and symptom we can observe and test how all this is related to each other in the body. We can then treat the musculoskeletal cause of the problem as it shows up as an imbalance in the overall posture.

The “posturism” here is that we “treat the body as a unit”. Based on assessments of present movement and posture patterns, simple corrective yoga and functional movement mov sequences tailored individual needs and goals are then formulated to perform at home. When done consistently, these menus are intended to address the presenting imbalances and dysfunctions and restore more optimal alignment and movement patterns. This gives the body a chance to utilize its own healing capacity to resolve the pain and moment symptoms over time.

As changes unfold, we continue to reassess to help assure progression in their therapy to improve posture according to goals that have been set. With this program, we offer help in learning the exercises, a printout of exercise instructions for home, and easy access to video demonstrations and instructions online for reference. Support and follow-up are built into the process in accordance with the clients’ needs.

This creates a complete program of support as they progress on their path of recovery.

The exciting and empowering part of the therapy we do is that as things unfold clients’ understanding of the problems can grow. There becomes a true collaboration in recovery. It has been a great joy over the years to help students and clients become empowered to read the body’s messages, diminish fears and recover trust in the instincts we all have about our well-being. This may be the greatest reward of all!

For more information on this posture and movement therapy or to set up a free consultation, please contact me here or at (203)488-1700.

Our free consultaton are desgnied to help you to understand you how your posture and movement pattern may be getting in the way of your activities and pain-free lifestyle. This can be an eye-opener as many have found brief conversation has helped them make sense of how this posturally based approach is so unique in the way it can address pain, balance and movement problems that have taken away activities or impaired them in living the life they desire.

***The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this article.Please note that the results of any Yoga, meditation, or other therapeutic or exercise work may vary. Read our disclaimer for more information..